Friday, March 30, 2012

every good and perfect gift is from His hand

Five Minute Fridays by Gypsy Mama


The moments that I allow myself to stop and take stock, to gaze back and analyze what my life has been what it has meant up until now, those are the moments that I see the good and perfect gifts that He has bestowed.

Some gifts have been light and easy to carry. Days that have dawned bright, clear and beautiful. Those are the gifts that are the most easy to utter thank you as I run through them with joy.

Some gifts have been wrapped with lots of tape that took some time to tear through to get to the good stuff, the enjoyable stuff. Sometimes I squandered those days and didn't even bother to finish ripping open the gift, sometimes, exhausted from the effort of searching for the gift in the moment I forgot the most important part of receiving...saying thank you. The days that ask more of me than I want to give, the days that are exhausting and long with little to show for it at the end of them, these are the days that I am tempted to stop searching and to forget to say thank you.

Then there are those gifts that you can only receive on your knees. The tears come, my heart questions 'is this truly good?' 'is this gift truly perfect?' These are the gifts that I miss. I don't see them for what they are. Sometimes it takes years to see them for what they are. These are the gifts that are a hard thank you. Mostly that thank you is uttered in complete faith that the Creator of the heavens and the earth sees me, knows me, loves me and He is THE MOST HIGH GOD and NOTHING is too hard for Him. He hears the prayers for deliverance, for comfort and He gives what He deems is perfect and in Adonai with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Sometimes it is ok to say thank you and not understand.


1 comment:

  1. Lovely - "its okay to say thank you and not understand". Sometimes we can not comprehend His gifting. I always warn Him ... I'm gonna wanna know the reason behind that some day. A good finger waggle works well too! :)
