Thursday, June 7, 2012

Running Late

I have got to get a handle on a summer schedule that works for us because right now I feel like a fish flopping on a shore just out of water. I know what we need to get done and I know where I want us to end up but it is the daily journey of one step at a time that is causing problems :(.

I have decided to make this a boot camp summer. Target our weak areas in these categories : academics, relationships and prayer. I am going to come up with a schedule that will hopefully fit us and help bridge that gap of how to get from point a to point b. I want us to arrive in August fresh, relaxed and ready for a new school year…not frustrated, frazzled and bickering all the way. I wish it was as simple as curling up with a cup of coffee and watching Anne of Green Gables (I absolutely LOVE that movie series (and the books too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). *sigh* But I have a feeling that it will take a little more thought and effort on my part than simply watching a great movie :).

Will post a catch up post later today for my Bible in 90 Days. Have a great summery day!

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