Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Delight Us

This morning my children and I sat at the table munching on cinnamon life cereal and I slowly sipped my hot cup of coffee. As they went round robin sharing ideas and questions and thoughts our discussion turned quite deep and the questions became harder and harder to wade through, because they are questions that I myself ask daily. Questions about why God lets some things happen, questions about ancient Israel and what the prophet Isaiah meant when he foretold about the Messiah, about how the Azazel goats’ rope (the scarlet rope they tied around the goat's neck) became white the further it went from camp etc; As we sat and talked and as I said time after time, ‘I am still studying about that, we will have to come back to it’, I realized how little I know and how MUCH I do not know or grasp.

But just as easily as I realize how much I do not know, I grasp what I do know with both hands and all of my heart.

God is God.
He is the Creator of heaven and earth.
He is ALL good ALL of the time.
We are called to trust in Him not to lean on what we do know.

I told my children of His faithfulness, of His goodness, and of His love. I told them that He made them, He knows them, He sees what will and what will not happen, He knows the dates of our deaths, how many children they will or will not have, if they will marry, who their best friend will be in thirty years. He holds it all and knows it all. And we can completely delight in Him in the midst of all that we struggle with, all that we question. I asked God to blow our minds. To show us His creation, His presence, Him. To capture their hearts and set them aside for Him.

As we got cleaned up and ready for our day I remembered some things God has done when we prayed to be delighted by Him. One of my children was in love with turtles. We had (the summer before) been to the zoo and had visited a lake near us and both times she had seen lots of turtles and talked about them all of the time, drew pictures of them and checked out books about them. But that summer she had yet to see any turtles. So I prayed and asked God to delight us with His creation, to show us a turtle that summer. A few weeks passed and one rainy day I had the urge to get up and look out of the window and what was making its way through our backyard? Yes a HUGE turtle. My child was SO excited and so blown away. God had heard and boy had He answered.

This summer I prayed to see some hummingbirds. We love them, have never had any problem attracting them with our hummingbird feeder, but we moved earlier this year and until a few weeks ago our hummingbird feeder sat untouched and unvisited. I finally prayed. God please delight us with your creation, show us the wonders of what you have made. Please let us see some hummingbirds. We have seen LOTS of hummingbirds, but we have also seen an owl, a road runner, a fox, a persnickety cat, birds of all kinds, armadillos, and a wild turkey. Right here where we live, mostly in our very backyard. He is amazing, is He not?

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