Friday, December 14, 2012

Book Review

I just finished reading How To Really Love Your Child by D. Ross Campbell and OH.MY.  I am not sure if it just the age I am, the stage in life in parenting, or the day to day demands of life constantly nipping at my heels, but this book is such a good swift kick in the pants.  I highly recommend this book to anyone who wonders if you are loving your child in a way that they get.  I mean as a parent you have all of this love bundled up for this child or these children and then you sit back and wonder am I expressing it or speaking it in a way that they get?  Do they grasp it?  Is it a lifeline for them?  Do they feel secure in it?  Secure enough to act their worst and STILL know that it is there for them to lean back in?  If you are anything like me, these questions have kept you up at night.  This dialogue especially runs through my mind at the end of one of those long know the ones where there is just not enough chocolate or coffee?  Well this book gave me some great tools, some encouragement, and some frank honesty.  I saw areas in which I am doing the right thing, but I also saw many areas that I am dropping the ball.  Never easy to see or admit to, but completely necessary.  I am so thankful that there are many great parenting books out there, so that we can continue to learn and grow.  Well, I hope this weekend finds you curled up with a great read, a cup of hot comfort, and a lot of peace-filled moments to tuck away for memories in years to come!

P.S. I got this book for free on Kindle, I am not sure but I think it may still be free.  You do not have to own an actual Kindle, you can put a Kindle reader on most things (my husband put it on my computer, but I am pretty sure you can put it on your I-phone, I-pad etc;). 

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