Friday, March 8, 2013

Five Minute Friday

Lisa Jo Baker Five Minute Friday


When I was little I used to dream of two things, one being a professional ballerina for Joffrey Ballet and getting to dance Sugar Plum Fairy during the Christmas season, and two of being a wife & mommy and having my own home. 

While I never got to dance for Joffrey professionally, I did get to experience life as a professional dancer and it was amazing.  And a lot harder than I thought it would be. 

But by far the dream that reached the deepest in my heart, the one that I longed for the most was to have a home where I belonged.  Where there was peace and joy and unconditional love.  I wanted so badly to have a man love me with all that he was and for me to be able to give him that and more in return.  I deeply desired to have children that I could hold and love on and talk to and play with, in short do life with.  When I got married I realized that God had answered above and beyond what I could ask for.  When I became a mommy I realized I was in no way prepared to be who I wanted to be.  I have stumbled and flailed , but sometimes, when I stop and think about it, all I want to do is sink to my knees in awe of the God we serve.  He has hand crafted my home to be more than I ever hoped for.  More than I ever dreamed of.  More than I knew I was longing for.  Because in the day to day of life He has revealed Himself more clearly to me than ever before.  I never realized what I was actually longing for was for my home to be Him.  He was what I was hungering for, He just happened to use marriage and parenting as a way to teach me that. 

And while I am ever so thankful that He did, if I am honest I also have to admit how much time I spend complaining about the gifts I spent so much time praying for.  In writing this it has again reminded me of the wonder of each person here in my home. 


Day Twelve

I want to leave little love notes for my children and husband where they will discover them through out the day. 


  1. Sooo glad God is deeply involved in offering us "home" in the ways you've talked about here. Thanks for sharing!!

  2. I couldn't agree more~how often do we achieve our "dreams" only to complain about the details...and when we look at the big picture~how awesome has been God's design and handiwork. Thank you for sharing your dreams and your heart.
    Keep up the God work.
