Saturday, June 14, 2014


Has been busy, bumpy, crazy, good, hard, sad, exciting, happy...all rolled into the last six months.

I am still (for now) without a computer, and it is hard to peck out anything longer than a few lines on my husband's iPad.  I miss writing here though.

1) two of my three children had birthdays do they continue to get bigger and older?  The old saying that "the days are long, but the years are short" is so, so true.

2) we have added a hamster and a rabbit to our home since February :) so, so cute.  Tanner, our doggie, hasn't bothered them.  We keep them separated, but sometimes I feel like we are a real live circus or at the very least a zoo :)

3) I am THREE pounds from my goal weight.  I think I want to lose another five when I am done...but we'll see.

4) I have several people in my life I am praying specifically for, it is really hard to watch a friend/loved one go through a hard season.

5) if you are interested in losing weight, no matter what program you choose (weight watchers, south beach etc;) I highly recommend two things.  Leslie Samsone's walk away the pounds dvd's and an app to track your food intake (my personal favorite is the LoseIt! App, the basic version is free).  The DVD helps you stay accountable and the app is (well it was for me) so eye opening to how many calories you really are eating a day.  (carbs, fat, and protein too)

6) I have struggled in my walk recently.  I am not in any reading program yet, so it has been hard to get a study going and stick to it.  :(

7) my pointer finger is sore from pecking out this post.  I hope you all have awesome summers!!

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