Wednesday, December 31, 2014


As another year draws to a close, so many thoughts and feelings rush at me.  Another year has passed.  Am I any different than I was this time last year?  Am I any more patient?  How is my walk with God, my trust in Him?  Deeper, firmer, stronger?

In so many ways I have simply treaded water.  In other ways I have grown tired and at times lazy and felt life rush by as I sat on the sidelines. I started and failed to complete Bible in 90 days...twice...this year.  I lost weight and was roughly five pounds from my goal, then gained from Thanksgiving until now 😢.  I have had plenty...and I mean plenty...of opportunities to practice patience (my word for 2014) and I still stumbled, griped, snapped, and complained most of yesterday when asked to wait.  *sigh*

But you know what?  Today dawned.  His mercy is fresh and new and an entire 24 hours stretches before me.  I look back to learn from my mistakes, but then I strive forward today.  A fresh new calendar year begins tomorrow, I am excited.  I talked to my husband and he helped me pick a word to steer my focus for 2015.  Frugal.  I got a book called 7 by Jen Hatmaker and am ready to flip my calendar over tomorrow morning.  May God bless each of you, may He prepare your heart for what He has for you, may this be your very best year yet!

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