Sunday, July 19, 2015

Romans through 2 Peter

There is so much to feast on in the pages I have poured over, but just as many times I have stubbed my toe, tripped and fallen over passages I don't grasp, wrestled with those that could mean one thing or another, and squirmed in my seat over the ones I do fully understand, just not completely, authentically walk out consistently.  I am almost done!  I am in 1 John, headed towards finishing the challenge today!

For ease of writing this I am going to include what I learned from each book.

In Romans I learned that I need to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, & faithful in prayer.  12:12

In 1 Corinthians I learned that I need to be on my guard, stand firm in my faith, be men of courage, & be strong.  And to do everything in love.  16:13&14

In 2 Corinthians I learned that God is able to make all grace abound to me so that in all things I will have what I need to abound in every good work.  9:8&9

In Galatians I learned that as a parent when I am correcting my children, I need to restore them gently. 6:1

In Ephesians I learned how to pray for my children and my husband.  1:17-21

In Philippians I learned that I am to rejoice & to let my gentleness be evident to all. 4:4&5

In Colossians I learned how to get dressed.  3:12

In 1 Thessalonians I learned that I am to make it my ambition to live a quiet life, mind my own business, and to work with my hands.  4:11

In 2 Thessalonians I learned to ask that the Lord direct my heart into God's love & the Messiah's perseverance.

In 1 Timothy I learned that sins are sometimes obvious, sometimes they trail behind us, but that good deeds are always obvious.  5:24&25

In 2 Timothy I learned that all Scripture was God breathed, useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, & training in righteousness.

In Tirus I learned what the grace of God brings us and teaches us.  2:11&12

In Hebrews I learned that Jesus shared in our humanity so that by His death he freed all those who all of their life have been held captive to the fear of death. 2:15

In James I learned it's better to listen than to speak and much better than anger.  1:19

In 1 Peter I learned how to be beautiful.  3:4-6

In 2 Peter I learned that God's patience means salvation.  3:15

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