Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Well hey there...

This week is one of those crazy weeks where we are running to and fro, lots of doctor appointments, a class with friends, lessons...*sigh* I cannot wait until Friday when I can crawl into bed and know that the weekend is here and snuggle with my dog(s) and my man and watch a movie with my girls.  Oh and drink a cup of piping hot, hot chocolate.  With whip cream on top.  Definitely with the whipped cream! And some chocolate shavings.

But until then...this week is in full swing...

I have been intrigued by the idea of habit stacking for a while.  I have these goals I want to meet, but with the chaos of our lives, it seems almost impossible to meet even a single one of them.  To that effect, I signed up for a waiting list at our library to read this book called Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results by James Clear.  Have you heard of this book?  I was put on a six week + waitlist, but to my surprise, on Sunday evening (just three weeks after I put it on hold!), I got a notification it was ready and waiting for me!!  Yippee!!!!  Before even beginning the first chapter I realized something...

I realized that I am sad that I have let my blog go.  It isn't about the blog per se, it is about the bigger issue this realization pointed to: I have basically stopped writing.  I love to write stories and notes and to journal...but I realized this past month that pretty much the only writing I do anymore has to do with lesson planning or in the making of charts/index cards for our homeschool and one or two lines in my five-year diary. 

I have gotten out of the habit of writing. 

I am one of those people that needs to write.  I learn better that way, I memorize a TON better after I write it vs. reading it to myself or out loud.  I process life better that way, even if it is boring or humiliating or makes me roll my eyes at my own stupidity...I live life better if I jot down my thoughts and dreams and experiences along the way.  I pray better, I am a better wife, mom, teacher...

I think it is because I always have so many words tumbling around in my heart and if I don't spill them out onto paper through ink or a keyboard, then they roll and rumble inside of me, usually creating a mountain out of a molehill.  My sweet husband is my soundboard, my safe place.   I will talk and talk and talk and he will listen patiently to all of my words gushing forward...he is awesome.  But I realized this morning that I still need to write these words down in order to organize them, process them, and either let them go or use them to spring from where I am to where I want to go.

So, in the interest of habits, I want to create a small one.  I want to commit to meeting here at this blog each Wednesday morning, and I want to write.  It may be boring or whiny or somewhere in between, either way, I want to commit to the habit of writing at least one morning a week and I have picked Wednesdays.

I hope your week is awesome, I hope we survive ours - ha!

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