Sunday, February 12, 2012

Colossians 3 verse 12

It is hard to clothe myself with compassion when I am being selfish

It is hard to be kind when I desire more to be right

It is hard to be humble when I talk more than I listen

It is hard to be gentle when I am always in such a hurry

It is hard to be patient when I want things done my way

In order to clothe myself with compassion I have to become less

In order to clothe myself with kindness I need to realize it is more important than being right

In order to clothe myself with humility I need to listen more than I talk

In order to clothe myself with gentleness I have to not rush and hurry

In order to clothe myself with patience it needs to be less about me

1 comment:

  1. "It's hard to be gentle when I'm always in such a hurry."

    That's a good one. Seems like everyone has a bit of this problem nowdays...
