Saturday, June 15, 2024

Update on what I read this week and where I am in my Bible reading...

First of all, I read Spying on Miss Mueller by Eve Bunting and I was NOT impressed with this book.  I kept thinking it would get better.  

It didn't.

Second of all, I am days away from completing the Old Testament portion of the chronological plan I am following, and will then begin the New Testament.  I had originally planned on joining the Christ Kirk NT summer reading plan and read concurrently until I finished the Old Testament...but that just did not work.  

And that is ok.  

I have absolutely LOVED reading chronologically.   God's faithfulness is INCREDIBLE.  It is SO SO SO incredible.  I have always struggled to make Bible reading a daily habit - most of my adult life - but this time through is different.  I find myself excited to wake up in the morning and pull out my Bible and to spend time with God in His Word.  

I am using a NIV journal Bible, with lines in the margins for me to take notes, write down observations and questions.  I used super fine point colored pens and underline what pops out at me (sometimes that means literally the entire chapter!).  What I find incredibly interesting is that there are several books of the Bible you don't read the chapters in order.  Jeremiah and Daniel pop to mind first.  Literally I read some of the later chapters before heading back to the middle and you know what?  It made all the difference in the world.  

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