Friday, July 26, 2024

The Captive Kingdom and The Shattered Castle

by Jennifer Nielsen

Jennifer Nielsen is quickly becoming my favorite author.  I re-read/re-listened to the first two (The False Prince and The Runaway King) and was mid-way through the third book (The Shadow Throne), when I decided to go ahead and just read/listen to the last two.  Up until this point I had been reluctant to do so.  The first three were SO well written and SO well tied off when they concluded, I was sure it would be a mistake to finish the series.

I could not have been more wrong.

Even though there is a six year gap from book three to book four, she did a fantastic job tying them together.

I don't want to do into too much detail, because NOTHING is worse than having a book's plot spoiled, especially when it is an edge of your seat, cannot turn the pages fast enough type of book.  I will say this though:

I spent the ENTIRE book four being mad at several characters (reminiscent of the resentment I felt towards Sage in book one) and the ENTIRETY of book five being REALLY angry at Imogen. 


I am glad I stuck it out thought.

Even if it did keep me up at night trying to read "just one more chapter" and then having the GREAT idea to switch to audio so that I could keep "reading" as I fell asleep.  Except the action and intrigue was so all-absorbing I could not fall asleep.  😏

But, the lost sleep was well worth it.  HIGHLY recommend this series!

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