On New Year's Day I had THE worst headache.
On the second day of the New Year we had to take our chihuahua unexpectedly to the vet. I cried all day. He is ok, but he is getting older and the reality is sinking in that he won't always be here.
On the third day of the New Year (today!) I realized I started my Bible reading plan on the wrong day - I should have started on Sunday December 29th, so I am already behind.
In my reading this morning I noticed something I have never noticed before (in Genesis 4). I looked at Matthew Henry's commentary for Genesis 4:7 because I am always struck by God's response to Cain's sin. He tells him - if you will just do what is right, it will go well with you - and I always wonder at that. Like why didn't Cain just do what was right? Why didn't he just humble himself, say he was wrong, and ask God to show him how to do it the right way. And inevitably, I start to wonder - WHY don't I just do that?
Anyway - when I read Matthew Henry's commentary he drew attention to this - God tells Cain that sin is crouching at his door. But then Matthew Henry points to this: Jesus is our sin-sacrifice - our sin-offering and Revelation 3:20 tells us that He stands at the door and knocks. Immediately I realized to do what is right - it isn't a check-off sheet, it isn't a new resolve to get my act together - it is simply this - CLING to Jesus and forsake my sin. Go to the door - not to get clobbered by the sin, but to let in my Redeemer. So that He can conquer my sin, my punishment, and clean up my heart.
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