Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Kristin Lavransdatter

The Bridal Wreath (Kristin Lavransdatter I) by Sigrid Undset

I read this book to fulfill the "read a book set in the middle ages" and "read a book that has been translated".  

Sigrid Undset told a masterful story and I really enjoyed it - but was also so frustrated with the main character Kristin.  I spent most of the story wishing I could reach through the pages and say "STOP, this is SO not going to turn out ok."  

I was also struck my how many characters spent their entire life trying to live a life that would make up for the sin they had committed.  I find that incredibly sad, but also incredibly eye-opening and convicting.  Ironically as I closed the last page on this book, I opened another Jerry Bridges book and this leaped out at me : "Christ bore our curse and earned our blessing.  That is the meaning of grace." I know it's just a character in a story, but I truly wish for Kristin and all of the characters in this story to know the truth of that statement.

This was a hard week in our house.  I am so thankful that it is almost over (and yes, I do realize it's only Wednesday, but I am still thankful we are closing in on the weekend.) 

I forgot to include my favorite quote:

“Pray rather, you and your wife, Lavrans Bjorgulfson,  that you not be tempted to try and bend God’s will concerning this child.  Our Lord Jesus Himself has set these small feet upon the path of peace which will lead her most surely to the home of peace -“ 

Her parents were desperate for a ‘fix’ to heal and sometimes God’s will is to strengthen you and yours to walk with the disability/chronic illness/profound weakness and/or brokenness.  This resonated so deeply with what it is like as a special needs parent and the timely reminder of surrender and the allowing of God to prove faithful  either way - through healing or not.

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