Friday, October 11, 2024

Sarah Clarkson's new book...

I signed up to be a part of Sarah Clarkson's launch team for her new book (due out here in a few weeks!) It is titled Reclaiming Quiet and I cannot think of a better title or subject that I need to spend time digging in to.  I am running a bit late, so I need to finish week one's activities before I post more about it.

This has been a crazy week this week.  We are having work done at our house and it is overwhelming.  Of course it hasn't helped that there have been several minor irritations compounding the has been a reeeeaaaaaalllllly looooooooooooooooooooooooooong week.  I know this is so small compared to what other people are walking through (cancer, hurricane damage, loss of loved ones, surgeries on the horizon...and so, so much more).  

I know it could be worse.  

But it has still been hard.

This week I read Despicable Me 4 movie novelization - I LOVE when movie companies release a novelization for their movies - it is SUCH an effective way to preview content before scheduling a movie night with your family. With that said, I cannot wait for us to watch this movie this weekend.

I am also finishing up For An Audience of One by R.T. Kendall, today.  I LOVE R.T. Kendall's books and this is one I desperately needed to read.  Will write a longer review later.  But I wanted to say that I HIGHLY recommend this book.  

Friday, September 27, 2024

This week

So, I wrapped up reading Wednesday Wars out loud.  Crying through the last few chapters.  I LOVE this book SO SO much!

Finished a K.M. Shea book called, The Lies of Vampires and Slayers.  These are NOT the typical books I like to read, actually they are way outside of my comfort zone because I am NOT a big supernatural fiction reader.  However, I really like K.M. Shea's style of writing.  She is really, really good at drawing a reader in and making them forget they are actually sitting at home in a living room sneaking in a few minutes of reading between all of the zillions of things they have to do - that is why I like her books so much.  So, when I pick up one of her books and I have to try really hard to dive into the story and find myself wanting to get to the next chapter simply because I hope the story improves, not because I cannot wait to see what happens...that is SO disappointing.  So, this week, I kind of feel like I wasted my reading choice.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Okay For Now

by Gary Schmidt.

After finishing Wednesday Wars (on my own, I am still reading it aloud) I immediately checked to see if Mr. Schmidt had any other books and was delighted to see that there was a sequel (of sorts) for Wednesday Wars.  When I began reading it, I realized I had read this book years ago (2018, I checked this blog for the dates) and had no idea at the time that some of the characters were from another book.  I loved it then, and I loved it even more now, reading it on the heels of Wednesday Wars.

Okay For Now, dives into who Doug Swieteck is (besides being a punk trouble maker that is). I loved his story as much as I loved Holling Hoodhood's in the first one.  Whereas the first one takes place with the Vietnam War being the historical turning point, this one unfolds  during the aftermath of that war, when the sons start to return home, when families are desperately still searching and waiting for any news on MIA, and also during Apollo 11's journey to the moon.  

You HAVE to read this book.  

Actually, if there were two books I would recommend you read this year, it would be these two.  They are so, so beautiful.

I also read another trilogy by K.M. Shea.  But again, although good and fun and fluffy, in the shadow of this book, it is just that - fun and fluffy.  So, no review.

Bible study has resumed and once again I am making my way through the Bible chronologically.  Fall is supposed to also be on the horizon, but it still feels like we are knee deep in July right now, and I am REALLY tired of July weather.  Hopefully, hopefully, cool weather will return and I will be able to take my Bible reading outside in the morning without feeling like I could possibly melt.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Books that make you SO happy to be...

a teacher, even at home. 

There are a few books each year, that have proven to breathe fresh life into our journey as we speed toward the finish line of homeschooling (at least in its current format).  Those books have served as a sort of trail marker, they have guided our journeys and marked the paths we have chosen to take.

There is a book that has popped up on many recommended reading lists, that I finally made the time to check it out from the library.  Technically it shouldn't even be one that we were interested in given the ages and stages we currently find ourselves in...but that is the beautiful thing about a well written book.  You can read it at any age and enjoy it.  If well written, it will even broaden your perspective, ignite or deepen your interest and understanding of events that have shaped our country, our world, and find its way into daily conversation and thought processes, no matter how old or young you are.

Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt is one of those books.  

WOW 😍.

I cannot tell you how much I personally loved this book.  I found myself having to stop to give context to many items (chalkboard eraser cleanings or the pull down maps that used to adorn the front of every classroom) as I read it aloud, which made me realize just HOW much has changed in a relatively short amount of time.

I also realized afresh just how awful the Vietnam War was, how many lives were irrevocably changed (not always for the better either), and how excruciating those changes were to live through.  

I laughed and I cried through this book.  

It is SO, so, SO good!  Highly recommend!!

I also completed the trilogy of Court of Midnight and Deception by K.M. Shea.  I was going to write a review because it was good.  But in comparison to the last two books I read, I don't know what else to say except each book was fun and fluffy (I realize most people think it is a waste of time to read fun and/or fluffy books, but I think there is a spot for the fun and fluffy in life). 💖  I also use books like this to motivate me to do something I keep putting off.  For example, I can earn another book if I complete all of my tidy goals this week or if I stick to my eating plan.  It works for me 😋

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Adventures in Prayer

by Catherine Marshall

I LOVED this tiny, but mighty book on prayer.

I first read Christy as a teenager, but didn't realize Catherine Marshall had written so many other books until, as a young mom, I was browsing the library shelves one day and stumbled on to a shelf that contained multiple books by her.  

I was so enthralled by her vulnerability; how she detailed her mistakes and yet, in spite of that, God's continued and complete faithfulness.  As my kiddos grew up, our local library ditched/sold/got rid of her books to make room for new imagine my delight last week when I found this title on Am@zon.  

This book is tiny but mighty.  She has separated the topics of prayer into eight chapters, complete with explanations, examples, and the best part - a prayer at the end to give you an idea of what she means (for example what she means about praying the prayer of waiting).  I HIGHLY recommend this book!

(I also read Books 1 & 2 from "The Court of Midnight and Deception" series by K.M. Shea this week, but will just do one post about the whole series when I complete it.)

Friday, August 30, 2024

Magic Redeemed and Magic Unleashed and one more! all three by K.M. Shea

Book Two was my FAVORITE one in the trilogy.

Book Three was supremely disappointing.

There were actually quite a few mistakes in the story (example - 
I gloomily set my water bottle down, "You still finish me off in seconds." 
"Perhaps, but - as we have said before - I have years of experience."
I closed my water bottle and set it down with an aggravated thump.)

It also felt like the entire story was rushed and choppy - not her usual awesome writing.  

I also read the Frog Prince by K.M. Shea (I am almost done with the Timeless Fairytale Series).  I have really enjoyed this series by K.M, Shea, she did SUCH a fantastic job!

Thursday, August 29, 2024


So, this morning I went to the store with one of my adult special needs children.  Instead of using her wheelchair, we opted to use the special needs' grocery cart.  One of the employees went out of their way to intercept us and make fun of my daughter in the cart.  I was going to just simply walk away so as not to draw any more attention to the situation and to further embarrass either one of us.  But when we went down the pet aisle we could hear him, next aisle over, sharing his comments with an employee and the both of them laughing.  

At which point, my blood boiled.

I HATE confrontation.

I would rather someone think they were right, they won, whatever than to get into any kind of confrontation.  

But this was too much.  

This crossed a line.

I swung our cart around, shaking LITERALY from head to toe, and I marched around the corner and I said :

"This is a special needs cart."

He said, "I know."

I said, "My daughter has special needs and this is NOT funny.  STOP commenting."

Up until that point both employees had been snickering and laughing it up.

Social interactions are difficult for my adult children (she is not the only one of mine with special needs) and up until recently going to the store was a low stress way for us to get some social interaction.  We already have to break up our shopping trips several times a week so that we do not get overwhelmed.  But this is the second time (in a very short period of time) where we have had a negative experience. 

So, when you are out and about, never, EVER forget that people with disabilities are also out and about.  

And your words can hurt.  

DEEPLY. And the things you take for granted - it is SO SO much harder for those with special needs.  Disabilities are not always obvious.  The special needs' carts are at the stores for a reason.  When we choose to use them - it is NOT ok to make fun of those who need them.

I am STILL so angry.  

I did call back and spoke to a team leader, and I did leave feedback regarding my visit, but it still does not take back the hurtful experience.