Friday, June 25, 2021

Loneliness & Thankfulness

First of all, I want to start off by saying how much I absolutely love my husband.  Seriously, I am so incredibly thankful for him.  He is my very best friend, so handsome and faithful and funny.  I love to spend time with him and our girls more than anything else.  He has actually been off from work this past week and it has been SO SO SO SO SO awesome.  

We have just piddled around - took our 17yo dog to the vet yesterday because he cries out in pain if you touch his left mouth area...convinced he had an abscess or another growth/cyst on him...only to find out he likely had deferred pain from his neck area.  I felt totally ridiculous (yet thankful) because I was convinced something really awful was wrong, but it ended up being something very minor and fixable (adjusting the pain meds).  We traveled one day, ate pizza, went shopping, he made stir-fry in our new wok (it was SO SO yummy), we burned an entire instapot of veggies and chicken and had to throw it away the night before 😞...we have watched the new Disney+ movie Luca, watched David Platt Secret Church 1, I caught up on B90 and then got behind again 😒, he finished book three and is now on book four of a captivating audio book...and it has been the BEST week in a long time.  None of our issues went away (chronic medical issues), but doing day to day stuff with him makes all the difference in the world.

I love our girls, they are our everything.  From their sweet, sweet thoughtfulness of plucking me a flower everything they take a dog out to helping me find my headphones at night when I have lost them...again.  They pray for emergency responders anytime they see or hear them, their hearts are so tender towards people who are suffering.  I love to talk about what we are reading in B90 - last night when I read out loud of Solomon's prayer in 2 Chronicles 6, they could barely contain themselves - they were SO excited and clapping and woohooing, especially when it reached the point where he finishes (beginning of chapter 7) and the people knelt, with their faces to the ground, and worshipped.  Truly, truly a beautiful moment in the history of God's people and they just were beside themselves with it.

Yet, in all of our abundant blessings of family...the one area we feel acutely is in the lack of true, deep, godly friendships.  Some of it is our fault, our life is so different from someone else's, our ability to go and do is greatly diminished and actually is hard to plan on.  We can be going along just fine and then bam the bottom falls out and everything falls apart.  But I yearn for someone (s) to come alongside of us, that understands and loves us in spite of our limitations - that will just do life with us.  I think that is why I love books like Anne of Green Gables (Anne and Diana's friendship is the cry of every woman's heart I believe), or the Harry Potter series, or Mysterious Benedict Society...I want my girls to have that friendship experience in their lives, I want my husband and I to have that support system.  But it is so hard to build that.  We have lived here, in this place for fifteen years and truly it has a different friendship dynamic than any other place I have lived before.  So, I am SO thankful for my husband and girls, yet lonely for friends.  Does anyone else experience this?

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