Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Reading, Watching, Listening, and Praying...

What we are reading right now:
Myself : 
I'm skimming Watchman Nee's "How to Study the Bible" (I think this is technically a book, but I found a PDF online of it, so I am not entirely sure if he wrote it as a book or just as a teaching?).  I don't like this one as much as I liked The Normal Christian Life, but I am still getting some good, solid information from it.  If you have a chance to read just one of Watchman Nee's works, hands down I recommend choosing The Normal Christian Life.

Hammer of God by Bo Giertz.  I am on novella three (the last one) in this volume.  I LOVE this book so much, it is SUCH a great picture of what it means to have saving faith in Jesus.  It reminds me so much of reading The Curate of Glaston by George MacDonald.  

I almost always have a Jenny B Jones' book going.  I love her earlier writing so much - Katie Parker and Bella Kirkwood are hilariously awesome.  I also decided it was time to reread Emily of New Moon, because every fall needs a little Lucy Maud Montgomery sprinkled in.  

What about you, do you reread books or are you a once and done kind of person?  I am a reread (and reread and reread and reread - ha!) type of person.

I am a firm believer that you never, ever outgrow picture books.  I use picture books ALL of the time to teach just about every subject you can think of.  Maybe it's because I am a visual learner, or maybe it's because picture books have the most beautiful artwork, whatever the reason...I love picture books.  Last week we got Tasha Tudor's Around the Year in the mail and completely adored it.  The artwork is absolutely gorgeous.  Which then, of course, I had to pull out my The Year at Maple Farm by Alice and Martin Provensen 😍

City Spies by James Ponti - this was an accidental find and we LOVE this.  It is SO cute.  

To each of the girls I am reading their own pick.  I have posted the titles several times - we take our time and this is such a treat, especially when it has been an especially long, difficult lesson. 💖

What we are watching:
on Friday nights we have started the loveliest of traditions.  We pile together in the girls' bedrooms. balance our dinner on trays perched on laps and watch a movie.  Lately we have been working our way through Hallmark's Garage Sale Mysteries. 

There must be something to this dinner and movie thing, because my husband and I try to eat dinner together four or five nights a week and watch a portion of an episode or movie together (the girls watch their own selection).  It makes a cheap and easy, yet special date night.  I love spending time with him so much.  We finally finished Castle (the entire series) and so we have been watching movies - Paul, the Apostle of Christs, Where Eagles Dare, Wrath of Man (some of those scenes I had to leave the room for), and the Mechanic (again had to leave the room for a few scenes - I am not a fan of gory or explicit content).  

At bedtime, my girls and I are working our way through the When Calls the Heart series.  We are just about to start season eight and I am not sure I am going to like it as much as I liked the previous ones. 

 *spoiler alert* do NOT read below this if you have not seen past season 5 of When Calls the Heart.

The show changed after Abigail and Jack left (although my favorite characters are Rosemary and Lee), Jack and Abigail TOTALLY balanced Elizabeth's twittiness (is that a word?) - she is such a shallow puffball without Abigail and Jack - they carried her character.

What we are listening to:
We have gotten into this habit of watching funny little videos on Instagram.  I also already have totally been playing Christmas music on Pandora.  I LOVE CHRISTMAS music.  SO much.

There is SO so much hurt - everywhere.  It feels impossible to go an entire day without hearing about someone who is struggling to hold on through a devastating period of their life.  I think about the people in Afghanistan and Myanmar - I think about the mom who just lost her baby, the neighbor who lost their best friend, the acquaintance who lost her husband.  I think about the woman who lost her son (and in turn his wife and children that he left behind).  I think about the people recovering from COVID, the people who lost their furry companions, the people who are struggling to make ends meet, who are angry and hurt and lonely.  Those who don't know if they will have a job to go to tomorrow.  On and on and on it goes.  

But God.

Jesus be near.  Draw close to those who are brokenhearted, gather them close in Your arms and hold them close.  You are our only hope.  In Your name alone do we gather and to Your presence alone do we flee.  

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