Friday, October 11, 2024

Sarah Clarkson's new book...

I signed up to be a part of Sarah Clarkson's launch team for her new book (due out here in a few weeks!) It is titled Reclaiming Quiet and I cannot think of a better title or subject that I need to spend time digging in to.  I am running a bit late, so I need to finish week one's activities before I post more about it.

This has been a crazy week this week.  We are having work done at our house and it is overwhelming.  Of course it hasn't helped that there have been several minor irritations compounding the has been a reeeeaaaaaalllllly looooooooooooooooooooooooooong week.  I know this is so small compared to what other people are walking through (cancer, hurricane damage, loss of loved ones, surgeries on the horizon...and so, so much more).  

I know it could be worse.  

But it has still been hard.

This week I read Despicable Me 4 movie novelization - I LOVE when movie companies release a novelization for their movies - it is SUCH an effective way to preview content before scheduling a movie night with your family. With that said, I cannot wait for us to watch this movie this weekend.

I am also finishing up For An Audience of One by R.T. Kendall, today.  I LOVE R.T. Kendall's books and this is one I desperately needed to read.  Will write a longer review later.  But I wanted to say that I HIGHLY recommend this book.  

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