Sunday, March 4, 2012


I love fall, it is hands down my favorite time of the year. But spring, it brings it own sweet beauty and that incomparable feeling of a fresh start. Today is perhaps one of the most beautiful days. We drove up the driveway and as we piled out of the car I heard the rat, tat, tat sound of a woodpecker and the beautiful melody of a bright red cardinal. I took a deep breath and stood silent for a moment, this is a beautiful day.

Armed with a fresh cup of coffee, a beautiful new quote I saw yesterday and a new week stretched out before me, I am so full of hope and joyful anticipation. I find myself wanting to fall to my knees in humble thankfulness, He has brought us through SO SO much. A year ago this weekend we were sitting in an emergency room of two different hospitals with one of our children. I was scared and sad and felt so very alone. Never in my wildest hopes or dreams would God have brought us here a year later. He is SO faithful and SO good, even when it is hard. Even when it feels hopeless. I look back and I see His hand and His presence, His patience and His mercy etched on each day, the most beautiful of ones, and the most scariest of ones.

Thank you seems hardly enough, but thank you I say. I cannot help but say it. I say it when I wake up, when I look around me, and when I fall asleep. And for those times that I forget, I ask forgiveness and for a fresh perspective of ALL of the blessings that He has bestowed.

Today is a beautiful day.

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