Monday, November 20, 2017

my kids and I

just got home from our second trip to my home state of KY, in as many months.  My husband had to stay home and hold down the fort of our zoo and his job.  I always appreciate my husband, but even more so after being gone and being the only parent available in any and all situations.  In the beginning of our parenting days (for approximately the first four and a half years) he traveled constantly.  I had a toddler, then a toddler and a newborn, and then a pre-schooler, a toddler, and was pregnant while he was gone Sunday through Friday, as well as working a second job on Saturdays.

Those were long, hard, lonely years.

I realized then that this parenting gig was so hard, made so much harder when there was one parent pulling the load at home.

All the single parents out there?

You are awesome!

I am in awe of what God has called you to, praying for you to walk close to Him - that He places people in your path that will cheer you on and help you shoulder each day.

I could sit here all day and tell you how awesome my husband is, the little and big things that he does every single day to make my day easier.  For example just today, someone at work needed to switch on-call weekends and he called to make sure the timing worked for me before agreeing to anything.  When I got home this weekend after being gone for a couple of weeks I noticed that some of our clocks hadn't been set back.  I asked my husband about this and he said, 'I wanted to keep a few clocks an hour ahead so I that I always knew what time it was where you were'.

My kids and I came home a week earlier than we planned because my kids came down with a yucky tummy bug.  Anytime they can't keep their meds down, I drop whatever I am doing and make plans to get home as quickly as possible, because I know that some ugly days are headed our way.

I so much appreciate my husband taking care of home, pets, and not complaining when I bought a few too many hot chocolates while traveling.  It was so great to see my family, to help them out, and to know that he was home waiting patiently for us to return.

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