Thursday, March 29, 2018

what we have read this month

Here is what we have done up until March 2018.

This month we have read some neat books.

Finishing up the Mysterious Benedict Trilogy was Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner's Dilemma.  The only bad thing I have to say about this was that it was the last book and we had to say goodbye to our beloved cast of characters.

The Princess and Curdie by George MacDonald.  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE both of these books (this is a sequel to The Princess and the Goblins, which we read last month)

Nim's Island.  OH.MY.  We have seen the movie, but the book is ever SO much better!!!

The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place the Mysterious Howling.  We did this as an audiobook and really liked it.  We started this several, several times, but have had to stop for one reason or another, so this month we finally completed it.  It was cute.

The Wind in the Willows.  I have an absolutely enchanting version with illustrations by Inga Moore.  This book just makes me so happy, I could stare at the artwork for hours.

Fortunately the Milk.  This is a multi-time re-read.  :)

I grabbed quite a few books to pre-read at the library, and one that I have heard so much about was in that stack.  The Girl Who Drank the Moon.  I really, really wanted to like this book, based solely off of all of the wonderful reviews that it received.  But I just didn't.  I returned it to the library.  :(

I am currently in the middle of a book called Unseen by Sara Hagerty.  I also need to pre-read War Horse and Greenglass House.  So hopefully I will buckle down and do that.  But the more sunny, spring-like days we have, the more I find myself outside, strolling alongside all of our tiny little garden plots we have started seeing if any more sprouts are up.  Or sitting at our island table watching our tray of seed pods come alive - SO incredibly neat!!!  We also have some tulips about to burst open today or tomorrow and I CANNOT wait!

Passover begins on Good Friday this year.  This Holy Week preparation has been particularly beautiful this year, from reading in God's Word and seeing treasures anew, to listening to a David Platt sermon as I fall asleep.

Time change and a medicine change has wreaked absolute havoc on our days this month.  So that's been hard.

I absolutely love this picture of Stuart, one of my children's beloved rabbits, he looks like he is praying :).  He is actually just washing his face and grooming his whiskers though.  :)

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