Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Book Girl

Books have become such an important part of our lives, I remember the seasons of our lives through the books we have read.  When my girls were young and my husband traveled a lot, my best friends & constant companions unfolded and spilled forth from whatever story I was reading at the time.  In the midst of learning to navigate such hard days with my children and diagnoses, unpredictable learning disabilities, unpredictable chronic medical issues, unpredictable energy levels...our one constant has been found in stories.  I love to read aloud.  I love the bond that a great book has, to watch as a story forms my daughters' characters.  I cannot tell you how many days were just awful, seriously so hard, but that thirty minutes or hour we spent reading, that was the magic hour.  That time spent invested in a good book (whether it be literature, history, science, or even math) that time was so pivotal.

There is this book coming out in September (if you are related to me and are reading this, fair warning I have already pre-ordered you a copy 😍) and just by the title alone I am : totally excited, cannot wait, am counting down the days until it arrives!!!

Book Girl!  Ahhh, can you not just imagine the delightful wonder this book contains?  If I had one educational goal for my girls it would be that - that they would grow up to be book girls!  I cannot think of a better way to navigate life, especially in light of their individual struggles.

I have followed Sarah's and her mom Sally's blogs for about twelve years.  Right after I began homeschooling I somehow stumbled onto a blog written by another Sarah (In the Midst of It - LOVE her blog too!!!) I remember hearing her talk often about Sarah and Sally Clarkson.  So one day I clicked on the link she provided and was captivated by this young woman's ability to write and communicate ideals.  There was one blog post in particular in which Sally and Sarah went to a B&B to write and I LOVED that post.  I was hooked.  My girls and I have followed Sarah as she has grown and gone to England (isn't that amazing?!?) and now has become a mom herself.

I cannot wait to read this book, absolutely cannot wait.  If at all possible, please get your hands on a copy.  You can pre-order it now at Amazon (& I think Christian Books and Barnes and Noble, but am not positive about those two).  It will be released September 4, 2018.  Go to Sarah's Instagram page @sarahwanders or her blog Thoroughly Alive.   Leading up to the book's release she is writing several posts detailing why this book was so important for her to write and my absolute favorite part - she is including the very books that she read and how they formed and molded her character, her worldview, and her walk with God !!!!!  I love to read what great writers are reading, don't you?  Sarah is a great writer, an immensely talented writer, and I cannot wait to find out what books she has read that have most fashioned and formed her heart.

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