Friday, June 7, 2019

Belated Birthday Wishes

So May somehow slipped by, during which my middle child turned fifteen - HOW in the world is that possible?

I still remember waddling down the hospital hallway early, early one morning for her birth.  I still remember holding her for the first time, she was so tiny, sweet, and swaddled so tightly in those blue and pink hospital blankets.  I remember her first pacifiers, her sleeping in the moses basket, tucking her into her little carrier in the car and trying to wrestle my (then) two-year old into a car seat next to her.  I remember her crawling for the first time (she scooted backward a lot 😃 ), I remember her walking and potty training.  I remember when we moved several states away the weekend after she had turned two, her blond curly pigtails barely visible if you looked in the side window 😍).  I remember she couldn't see over the counters of doctor offices and bathroom vanities when we first got here and now, thirteen years after that move, she stands taller than me by a few inches.  Where did the time go?

She has turned into a beautiful young lady who someday dreams of adopting and rescuing a little girl or boy who needs a mommy to love them.  Happy birthday beautiful girl, we all love you SO deeply❣

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