My three happen to struggle with mental health issues, chronic medical conditions, and learning disabilities/struggles that range from mild to severe. No, they will not be driving or graduating or leaving for college or doing most things kids their age will be doing when the calendar year says they should or their grandparent or uncle or aunt or family member or friend thinks that it's time for them to. Asking them about it, pressuring them with tons of questions, that isn't going to make it happen any sooner. Actually, it just makes them want to avoid you and not spend any time with you. They will do it when they are ready.
Please remember that some disabilities are in fact invisible.
That means that you canNOT look at someone and tell whether they are healthy and whole or struggling with something that would bring you to your knees. You can not look at someone and tell if they have a sexually transmittable disease, you can not look at someone and always tell if they have a sore throat or a headache or even cancer. So why in the world do we think we can accurately judge whether someone else has a mental health issue or not by just looking at them? Why do others feel compelled to offer their advice? Their experience? Their opinion?
Do you spend twenty-four/seven with my family? Nope. Do you go to the doctor appointments with us? Nope. Do you deal with the metldowns and the migraines and everything in between? NOPE! That would be my kids, me, my husband, and a team of doctors and specialists. Last year alone my kids, collectively, saw six different specialists regularly - month in and month out. Believe me, if possible, I would not have my kids on any medication. But medication is NOT a cop-out. It is not because I doubt God's willingness to heal, it is not so my life will be easier, it has ALWAYS always ALWAYS been a last resort. But I believe that the same God who can heal someone by speaking it over them, the same God that walked the earth in the form of Jesus, whom had such power that if someone touched the fringe of His garments would be healed, that same God (He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow) has gifted physicians and pharmacists with knowledge to help people live and function. Yes, I do realize that sometimes doctors reach for their prescription pad before they should, and yes I do realize that some people abuse and overuse medicine and drugs, but not everyone who takes medicine is doing that.
I am SO glad to hear when someone has been healed of something. That is awesome. It glorifies God. Truly is such an amazing thing to hear.
But just like there are sincere, devout, Bible-believing, Spirit-led Christ-followers who are GINORMOUSLY blessed with physical wealth, there are just as many (if not more) sincere, devout, Bible-believing, Spirit-led Christ-followers who are not just poor, but in fact severely impoverished. Just like there are sincere, devout, Bible-believing, Spirit-led Christ-followers who walk and live in complete freedom, there are just as many (again, if not more) around the world who sit in jail cells right now, enduring what we would consider nightmare scenarios.
So, would it not stand to reason that there will be people who are healed and people who instead continue suffer under the weight of chronic medical, mental health, ______________ (fill in the blank) issues?
Please remember that some people who have not been healed often have just as strong of faith as those that do, believing in something isn't going to make it happen if it isn't God's will for it to happen.
Also, please remember that all healing comes in HIS time and is only temporary and actually only delaying the inevitable. Life ends, hopefully after a beautiful, long life, but everyone meets the same end eventually. Whether it is cancer or heart disease or old age or an accident. Any healing that takes place here on earth, like any material blessing - they are temporary.
Heaven is forever.
2 Corinthians 4:17-18 English Standard Version (ESV)
17 For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, 18 as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient (temporary), but the things that are unseen are eternal.
My husband's mental health issues have not been healed as we had prayed. Each day can have frustrations but I have learned (contrary to popular theology) that if healing is not the answer, than I need to ask God what He wants me to learn in the journey He has given. It is not easy this side of Heaven but it certainly draws us closer to Him!