Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Beauty of Kindness...

How is your February going?  Ours has been all over the place - but this morning was a total treasure.  One of my girls and I went to mass, it was pouring rain.  We are not Catholic, but I attended Catholic school growing up and find the mass to be so peaceful and beautiful.  So one morning (ish) a week one of my girls and I pack ourselves off to mass.

Anyhow, this morning my girl and I headed to mass in a total downpour.  We arrived and were only there for about ten minutes when I realized this was going to be a morning that we needed to leave due to medical issues.  So we packed up her chair and we headed back to the car.  In walking was a beautiful lady, with a big smile on her face.  She offered me the use of her umbrella, I declined.  I did not want her to have to stand in the rain and wait on me and I did not want to make her late(r) for the mass.  But guess what?  She followed me and put her umbrella over my head (probably getting wet herself), stood there while I was helping my girl into the car, walked around to behind the car with me and held the umbrella over me while I loaded her chair into the car, and then walked me to the driver's side.  We exchanged names and she hugged me - the kind of hug that just lets you know you are loved, and then said she really hoped we had a better day today.  I was so incredibly touched that she inconvenienced herself to bless us.

I got in the car and I told my daughter - that is a great example of Christ's love in action.  God very much wants us to be His feet and hands in the world, He sent His Son as a tiny baby to serve us, to save us, to draw us closer to Him.  He has called us to serve others, I am so thankful that He gave me such a beautiful picture of that today.

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