Organization and decluttering!!!!
I feel like I am always having to schedule a day to get organized or decluttered every few weeks. I am not sure why, but even as a kid I struggled with these two concepts - I drove my mom bonkers!! I am like that character from Charlie Brown with the dust cloud that surrounds him. It's not for lack of effort or lack of caring, it just seems to be one of the lifelong weaknesses that I am constantly battling. This reread was a good reminder of exactly what I need to do when I schedule our next project week. Tackle the clutter!!Sweep - this is the only book during the reading challenge that I have hated enough to stop halfway through. I really, REALLY did NOT like this book. I wanted to, as it came so highly recommended, but I just could.not. finish it. Bleh!!
Dot Journaling A Practical Guide - this was a library book I checked out and it is by Rachel Wilkerson Miller. I enjoyed this book and the ideas that she tucked inside each chapter. Right after I finished reading it, I ran to Wal-Mart, snagged a dot journal, and started bullet journaling again.
Waiting on God by Andrew Murray. This book was amazing. Seriously. The timing of reading this was definitely a hard blessing. It spoke truth to my heart during the hard reality of being in a position where the only option available was/is to wait on God.
pg. 115 discussing Luke 2:25,36,38 Andrew Murray says this about Simeon and Anna's characters -
devout - devoted to God, ever walking as in His presence
waiting for the consolation of Israel - looking for the fulfillment of God's promises
The Holy Ghost was on him - in devout waiting, he had prepared for the blessing
I want these characteristics!!!!
(he goes on to say) : 'Simeon and Anna could do nothing toward the birth of Christ or His death, it was God's work, they could do nothing but wait.' I never thought about that truth before. All Simeon and Anna could do were to walk faithfully before God and wait for Him to reveal His Son in His time.
I also picked up the book Andrew Murray recommends called Expectation Corner by Emily Steele Elliott and I am currently making my way through this one.
Alice in Wonderland - So, this is my youngest daughter's absolute favorite book and I am JUST now reading it, She, on the other hand, has heard it at least a thousand times and has memorized large sections of it :). Much to my delight, I discovered one of my absolute FAVORITE passages in a classic book, and do you know what she did? She gave me her original copy of it 💖.
pg. 44
"She drew her foot as far down the chimney as she could, and waited till she heard a little animal (she couldn't guess of what sort it was) scratching and scrambling about in the chimney close above her; then, saying to herself 'This is Bill,' she gave one sharp kick, and waited to see what would happen next.
The first thing she heard was a general chorus of 'There goes Bill!' then the Rabbit's voice alone - 'Catch him, you by the hedge!' then silence..."
LOVE LOVE LOVE this passage 😄
Brady by Jean Fritz (I LOVE Jean Fritz books). We are reading this one, I thought we'd be done by now, but July was a bit of a 'knock the stuffing right out of you' month, so we will (hopefully) pick right back up where we were and finish it this week?!
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins. OK, so I was prepared NOT to like this book because it tells the story of Coriolanus Snow as a teenager and I did not want to feel any empathy at all for Snow. I am currently at the end of part two, getting ready to embark on part three and am excited to finish the book.