Friday, November 12, 2021

Stuff and nonsense...

I don't remember to use it very often, but today I am going to look for as many opportunities as I can to properly utter that phrase.  Two of my other favorite phrases are 'sweet cheese' and 'good gravy'.  Sweet cheese, that was a hard workout.  Good gravy, you scared me to death.  I love words and how we can join them together and create phrases that make us smile, give insight to our frustrations and fears, and/or provide a momentary snapshot of what we were thinking when things go awry.  

But, as useful as they are, words can also harm and cut down.  I've been tempted this week to use my words for just that.  Got a frustrating email, the person will not take no for an answer, and then went and told on me to someone else.  Seriously, who does that?  I composed several emails in my mind, but in the end I settled for silence.  I could hear my mom's mantra, 'if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all'.  Once I put some time between the email and my response, I was also reminded of another truth, once spoken you cannot take back the words.  Much like the fruitlessness of trying to straighten out a piece of paper after you have angrily crumpled it, words sting and often times that person's heart will bare a striking resemblance to that pitifully wrinkled paper when you are done unleashing your tongue.    

Speaking of a crumpled state...over the past few weeks we have had quite a few days that felt crumped and wrinkled and not at all how I envisioned them as going 😕

1) several medical issues arose out of no where and we are trying to successfully navigate them - not life threatening - simply frustrating with no clear cut choices

2) one of my daughter's rabbits developed a UTI and bladder sludge...again.  We thought she had outgrown them, it has been more than a year since she had this issue...but it reared its ugly head this past week.

3) lots and lots of little things forgetting to put my mug under the coffee spout and flooding most of the kitchen island, or having to have a friend come get me so I could go get our car...which was a sweet surprise because it meant my youngest got to see a good friend of hers at the same time...but it also meant, having to interrupt not only our day, but my friends' as well.  Or being in a drive thru and realizing I forgot meds for one of my girls 😒...on and on it seemed to go...sweet cheese, good gravy it has been a doozy.

So, today is Friday and my husband is NOT on call - we plan to put out the rest of our Christmas decorations, sing lots of Christmas carols, and watch lots and lots of Christmas movies.  Praise God, advent is almost here!!!!

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