Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Face of Betrayal

Triple Threat #1 by Lis Wiehl and April Henry

I read the last book in this series first (accidentally!), and since the book proved to be a definitive end to so many stories wrapped up in this series, I waivered on whether it was worth going back and reading the first three, or if it was enough to leave it at having read Eyes of Justice.

I decided it was SO worth it.  I absolutely LOVE Lis Wiehl and April Henry together, I know they publish material separately, but I have yet to read something where either one is the sole author.

This was a great book.  You meet Nicole Hedges (FBI), Allison Pierce (Federal Prosecutor), and Cassidy Shaw (prime time local reporter) for the first time.  Together these three form the Triple Threat club.  I love how these three women weave in and out of each other's lives, how their stories give depth and insight into what they are not only investigating and trying to solve, but also how they get from point A to point B when they arrive at an arrest or indictment or both.

Katie Converse, a seventeen year old page for the US Senate goes missing while walking her sister's dog.  Literally one moment she is there, the next she is gone.  Will the three women be able to work together and pool resources and clues to solve the mystery before it is too late to save Katie?  Is Katie even still alive?  If she is, where is she?  If not, what happened and who is responsible?  

As the search for Katie gets underway, you realize that Allison and Nicole are also struggling with balancing wanting to be a mom and/or being a mom with their demanding careers. I thought it was a perfect fit to read this for the Mother's Day challenge, as it is often easy to forget the faces behind the badges and cameras and microphones are real people, who have real struggles just like you and I do.  This was such a great story, now I am off to finish Mother's Day, Muffins, and Murder and to check and see if book two of the Triple Threat is available at the library.  💝

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