Thursday, January 19, 2023


What I read this week:

A book with a blue cover that checked off two challenges in one.  (it is blue and it was published in 2022)

Adventure Awaits by Karen Kingsbury. This is book four in a series she is writing with her son.  The stories tell the backstory of the Baxter family, when Brooke, Kari, Ashley, Erin, and Luke were just is a super sweet story line.  Like uber sweet (unrealistic and fluffy sweet).  I have read some of the books she has written about the Baxter children as adults and I wonder how the Baxter children went from where they are now to where they will later in their lives?  Anyway - these have all been gifted to my girls from my mom and so they mean a lot to them and have been fun, quick reads.  This has been on our shelf since this past it made the perfect choice for Brighter Winter and 52 Books.

Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin.  WOW.  I cannot recommend this highly enough.  Especially if you find yourself in a Bible study slump.  You want more, you know there is more, but you aren't sure where to begin to find that more...this is the book for you.  

It convicted me, decisively showing me where I'm going wrong.  

It encouraged me.  It showed me that the frustration I am feeling in studying is not only normal, but to be expected.  Patience (delayed gratification...this keeps showing up for me) is the key.

It challenged me.  I have a way of deceiving myself that is somewhat uncanny.  Oftentimes I will think - wow I am doing pretty good - only to trip up and realize that no, in fact I am not.  This book did a good job of asking all of the right questions to help diagnose the pitfalls and weaknesses I have developed.

The one caveat I have is small and I may just have misread keep that in mind.  On page 71, Jen Wilkin states that "Not all promises made to ethnic Israel apply to spiritual Israel (the church)."  The church is grafted in, not a replacement for Israel.  I do not ascribe to or buy into replacement theology.  The church hasn't taken Israel's place, we have simply been grafted in.  (Romans 11:1-36)

Fortunately, the Milk by Neil Gaiman.  My girls and I read/listened to this (again for like the 100th time 😆 ) to complete the challenge "do a buddy read" for Brighter Winter.  I love this book.  So do my girls.

I am still plugging away at Pilgrim's Progress.  Honestly, I have to set it aside for a bit - it is intensive reading for me.  The conviction it is bringing, as well as the Scriptural richness - it is more to chew on than to plow through.  I am aiming to get it done by the end of January though so that it counts for Brighter Winter.  

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy Karen Kingsbury books as well. Will have to check this one out. I read Pilgrim's Progress years ago so probably need to revisit it.
