Thursday, March 9, 2023

The Deadly Shallows

by Dani Pettrey

I wrapped up the Coastal Guardian trilogy late last night.  I would love to read more of Dani Pettrey's books...but if they are as all-encompassing as I found this series to be...I am going to have to wait a bit.  I found myself doing everything I could to figure out how to get just "one more chapter" in before I did what needed to be done.  And with someone like me, who is just so gifted in procrastination...

Anyhoo... (and yes, I totally made up that word)

What I liked:
The author's ability to draw you in and keep you in suspense!!  Wowzers, is she a great action/suspense writer.

What annoyed me:
OK, their romance was a bit silly and over the top.  It seemed like they were just all so gushy and loving and kissing...all.of.the.time.  And not just one couple in the book...but every.single.couple. in the trilogy.

What I loved:
Their love of God.  And His Word.  And their willingness and faithfulness to cry out to God and rest in Him.

Favorite quote:

"He could only imagine the tumultuous emotions roiling through her, but she quieted herself in the Lord. He’d seen it as she read the Bible in her room. She trusted God, and what happened at the hands of those men hadn’t dented her faith. Rather, it appeared she leaned even more heavily into the Lord." (pg. 129)

So...if you are looking for a good summer read, and you don't mind the lovey-dovey stuff...this series is for you!

1 comment:

  1. It usually feels like I inhale these books. So I understand what you mean about finding a way to get just one more chapter in and then just one more. I also have to agree with you about what annoyed you. I know these are romantic suspense, but I personally could do with less of the romantic part. I have not read any of Dani Pettrey's other books, but have heard good things about them.
