They are SO delicious.
They taste like fresh sunshine and summer goodness all wrapped up in that beautiful bright red shape.
Last year I had this plant that had a LOT of beautiful tomatoes on it, but I only got to eat one of them. All the rest disappeared off of the vine before they had a chance to ripen (I am not sure what happened to them - because the entire tomato disappeared without a trace, and they were large tomatoes)
This year, I planted my plant right where I could watch it. I fed it, watered it, staked it and it has grown into the most beautiful, strong plant with LOTS of blooms on it. But it has produced ZERO tomatoes. Like not even one small ball.
Yesterday as I stood outside watering my plants, I leaned over to once again examine my plant. And not for the first time I began to compare that plant with life. How many times has God given me exactly what I need to produce fruit for Him? He has watered me and staked me and fed me - He has done even more for me than I could ever do for this earthly plant. And then how many times has He leaned down to examine my life and lamented at the lack of fruit there?
I don't want to just be well fed and well watered through the Word.
I don't want to be just well staked through community or Bible study or Godly friends.
I want to produce fruit in Him.
That tomato plant is basically useless. It does not make a particularly beautiful plant, its flowers are not particularly beautiful, it does not provide sufficient shade or a place to perch for any animal - literally its entire purpose is to produce the fruit from which other people will eat. And it has failed at that. Miserably failed.
I don't want to be that tomato plant.
(p.s. I know most people do not plant just one tomato plant, but I am the only person who eats tomatoes in our house, so I don't want to waste them when/if they grow, so my hope hung on this solitary tomato plant)
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