Sunday, March 24, 2019

Random Tidbits

I messed up the no chocolate challenge when we were sick because hot chocolate is very soothing on a sore throat.  I will restart again tomorrow.

We are cleaning our house today, moving stuff around.  That's always interesting, a much bigger job than I seem to think it will be until we are in the middle and then I am like - ummm maybe we shoulda planned for a week, not just a day?!?!

Someone swiped our credit card number and tried to rent a car - which means that while they may or may not be in trouble, our account is frozen, we have to get a new number, and the charge (just under 500 dollars) is being disputed, so it's sitting there, as if we spent that money, until they can get it cleared up.  It wouldn't be that big of a deal, except for the fact that we just went through this six months ago.  It is SO frustrating when someone tries to steal from you.  I wonder if they experience as much frustration as the person whom they steal from?  I also wonder how these people who do things like this, how can they sleep at night?  

While I am typing this post, we are all curled up on the parent's bed watching a hibachi cooking video.  SO SO neat to watch.  It is also making me VERY hungry.  I am now TOTALLY convinced that I need one of those hibachi grills.  And a personal chef.  

I got a label maker last year.  I LOVE to label stuff.  So you know what I did today?  I labeled my bookshelves.  I told my girls, come up with names and we are naming them.  Now I can make my book lists manageable...Mysterious Benedict Society trilogy...oh yeah, that's on George.  Science biographies?  They are now on Hiccup.  😍

Long push forward, quick flip back.  Now we are watching a wok cooking how-to video.  

Did I mention that we took one of my girls' bunny (well she's technically now a year old, but I probably will always think of her as the baby 😊 ) to get spayed?  She did really well, except for Friday when we were gone most of the day for doctor appointments and we came home to discover that she ate part of her cone.  Seriously she ate part of the plastic cone.  Rabbits cannot throw up, so if she didn't pass it naturally, it would be surgery.  Again.  Our puggle puppy who had emergency surgery last year didn't even eat his cone and he eats EVERYTHING.  *sigh*   We truly have the weirdest pet dramas.

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