Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Reading Challenge

This year, like so many other years, I printed out Tim Challies' yearly reading challenge.  But this time, I decided to do something radically different.  Something that I hope moves me closer to my goal of reading a LOT of great books.

First of all
1) I took an entire afternoon and made a notecard for each category.  Here is an example on his list for number one he says to choose a book recommended by someone else, number two a biography, number three a Christian on and so forth.  So, I took an index card and wrote the challenge - a book recommended by someone else and the title I chose A Box of Butterflies, a biography A Chance to get the idea.  On the back, I want to write a quick note of what I thought of the book and the date I started and finished.  Here is a picture of all of my cards, as you will notice I have not chosen a book for every card yet. 

Second of all
2) I went through our bookshelves towards the end of 2019 and wrote down every single book that we own.  I then went through the list and noted what I/we had read, what I/we had not, and what I wanted to read (both personal and read alouds - since we homeschool and since I spend a large portion of our days reading aloud, I chose a fair number of books that would accomplish both my personal desire to read more and the obligation I have to teach my kids.  I chose the books from my shelves first and fulfilled any category that I could utilizing what we had, for the categories I could not fill, I will select books or check them out from the library when I come to them.

3) In order to make sure that I would read the books on my notecards, I went one step further and pulled everything off of the shelves and stacked a tub with my book selections.


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