Saturday, February 13, 2021

Saw this challenge on Instagram:

 Valentine's Day Challenge - it's a list of questions so that you can tell your love story:

How'd you meet:  We both were professional ballet dancers and met at a dance company 
First date: Pizza Hut
How long have you been together: 22 1/2 years
Hong long have you been married: 20 1/2 years
Kids: 3
Age Difference: He is a little over a year older than I am
Who was interested first: Both 
Who is taller: He is
Favorite TV show to watch together: Mentalist and Castle 
Most impatient: ME!
Most sensitive: Me
Loudest: Our kids!  HA!
Most thoughtful: He is
Falls asleep first: ALWAYS me
Cooks better: He does
Better morning person: Definitely me
Better driver: Absolutely hands down - he is!
Most competitive: it depends
Funniest: HE IS!!!!!
Where do you eat out most as a couple?  Take-out has become my achille's heal, trying to work on this one
More social: hands down - He is
Who is the neat freak: He is
Who plans date nights: We both do
Hogs the remote: I am more than happy to give him the remote because inevitably I hit the wrong button and reboot something that wasn't supposed to be rebooted
Spends the most: Me
What is the furthest you two have traveled together: long nights in a hospital.  I know this is a distance question, but these are the deepest, longest nights you can face together, so to me, the furthest we have traveled is down hospital hallways, that relentless pacing back and forth, back and forth. 

I love my husband SO very much.  He is my very best friend, my safe place.  I am SO thankful God gave us each other!  Happy Valentine's Day 💖

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