Friday, April 23, 2021

This hasn't been the greatest of weeks...

I forgot an appointment, one that I had actually written down in my planner, talked about earlier that morning and made plans for.  Then, after lunch, I had a few minutes and decided to run to the pharmacy.  Only to arrive and one of the medicines was not ready that should have been because the doctor didn't respond to the pharmacy's refill request - so I got side tracked trying to get that squared away and came home and made a cup of coffee and sank down in my desk chair for some quiet before we began our afternoon session...only to realize I.FORGOT.THE.APPOINTMENT. I can count on my hand how many times I forget appointments - it literally has happened maybe two or three times the entire time I have been a mom (19 years!).  The person I was supposed to meet with was so gracious - and rescheduled with me - but still - she set aside that time to meet with me and I didn't follow through.  Ugh.  I hate that feeling.

I have managed to hurt several people's feelings this week.  Words are tricky things.  You can have the best of intentions and still manage to hurt someone else without meaning to.  And sometimes, until the person(s) speak to you about it, you cannot even apologize or seek to clarify.   I hate that feeling - that limbo of not knowing, of wondering if what you said was the right thing to say or the right time to say it?  And I hate even worse when they do convey the hurt, that yucky feeling that you were the cause of someone else's pain.

I have been grumpy and super tired this week.  And very weepy.  I have cried at the drop of a hat.  I hate feeling this way.  The last few months - literally since January 11th, we have had on average two appointments a week (some weeks four or five).  I am SO tired of doctor office waiting rooms, or sitting in my car waiting, or this one stretch of highway here that I feel like I have seen waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too often recently.  We have driven so much our car is ready for another oil change.  *sigh* This week was one of the first weeks that we had very little going on.  And I think the stress from the last few months sort of settled over me and grumpiness and tears have been the result.  I am ready for the summer.  A break from routine.

I think I have blogged almost every day this week...which is unusual for me.  I have just been in the mood to write and decided to write here.  The sun is shining in through my living room window right now, we are getting ready to start read alouds (my favorite part of the day), I have a mug of cinnamon flavored coffee streaming right next to my laptop and I am REALLY really REALLY excited about Secret Church tonight!!  So even though this has not been a stellar week for me - there is plenty to be thankful for - plenty to lift my spirits this afternoon.

Oh and in case you are interested, The Holy Mess is offering her free three day diet starting on Monday (the 26th).  I love this woman's story and her blog.  If you haven't, please take the time to go check it out.

And finally, I did finish a few books this week:

Narrow Gate, Narrow Way by Paul Washer

The Day Approaching (can't remember if I wrote that down in the last blog post or not?) by Amir Tsarfati

Raya the the Last Dragon Junior  Novel (prereading for my kids) by Disney Books.  We try to always read the book before we see the movie - and then compare and contrast.  I am always surprised, even when a book is written just for the movie, how very different they are.

Have a lovely weekend...

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