Saturday, June 12, 2021

Bible in 90 Days week three

This week had us wrapping up Deuteronomy and journeying alongside the Israelites as they finally entered the promised land.  We watch as Joshua takes over the reigns, portions the land, and rebukes the Israelites, reminding them to choose whom they will serve.  We hear God tell them to 'remember' and not forget over and over and over...and yet Judges 1:10 - we read that another generation arose that neither knows the LORD nor what He had done for Israel.  And as a result, the cycle of sin, judgement, and rescue begins.  

We read about Othniel, Ehud, and Deborah.  

Then there was Gideon and how God used the weakest and least - how even when God uses you and you do mighty things, you still are susceptible to temptation and the suffocating snare it brings.  

Then there is Samson and Delilah and also Micah's idolatry.  

I find the hardest part of Judges is reading about the Levite and his concubine and the resulting punishment of the tribe of Benjamin.  Cannot imagine the suffering this poor woman went through that night.  How can such evil exist?

The book of Judges draws to a close much the way it began - the people of Israel doing as they saw fit, in direct disobedience to Deuteronomy 12:8.  

Next up was Ruth - LOVE LOVE LOVE the story of Ruth (it's my youngest's favorite book of the Bible, so we have read and reread this story so many times I feel like I know Ruth and Naomi and Boaz personally). 

To close out week three we met Hannah and Samuel, and will spend time getting to know Samuel.

I wonder about a lot of things as I read this section of Scripture, but this time through, it really struck me how important it is to constantly remember.  Remind yourself of God's faithfulness, His Word, His way.  To not let you be the reason that a generation rises up who does not know God.  I also realized the importance of clinging to God, of abiding in His presence.  And I am SO SO SO thankful for the gift of His Son.  


  1. First time visiting; been enjoying reading your previous posts. I so admire your devotion/dedication to reading the Bible in 90 days! I usually don't do well with reading plans but when I was reading it cover to cover it would take me about 13 months. Now I read selective books and jump between Old Testament and New Testament. The Book of Judges reminds me of these days with how people are living and the evil that seems so prevalent in our society and world. I too am very thankful for Jesus.


  2. Hi - I am really glad you are here! The Book of Judges does read like a current news article. I know what you mean about not doing well with reading plans, I can't tell you how many I have started over the years and failed to complete :(.
    I hope you have a beautiful weekend.
