Thursday, July 8, 2021

On Losing Memories

 Sooo, we had a hard-drive back-up that failed and even with protections in place we might have lost everything.  Like all pictures, all homeschool stuff, all medical documentation that I have, two books I have written...devastating is the word I would use to sum up this potential loss.  I spent most of Sunday morning crying, from frustration over lack of friendships, community, and church to losing irreplaceable pictures, documentation, just seems sometimes as if life is harder than it needs to be.  

This loss drove home the truth that all we have here is temporary.  Health, status, friends, finances, memories, experiences - even if you have spent decades accumulating it, even if you put protections in place to prevent losses like this (or fire, or illness, or floods...) you ultimately cannot hold on to anything forever.  

I am spending the week working through 'homeschool bootcamp' from Not Consumed ministries.  I am really enjoying it; even after all these years of homeschooling, even after the experience and time spent...every year is literally a new beginning.  As we aim to finish well, or to build a bridge to continuing education, our goals change, our roles as the teacher/mom change.  We become more of a mentor, seeking to inspire their hearts, rather than simply leading the way.  The change is bittersweet, a mix of sadness over how quickly the years flew and unspeakable joy to see where God is taking them next.  

I am behind on B90.  Like five days behind.  This has been a hard week for me and I feel very discouraged on many fronts.  Which means, I should be eager to dig in to the Bible (especially since the bulk of this week's reading is in Psalms) but I have felt the opposite.  Today, I am determined to set aside time to get caught up.  I know I will feel better, I just have to do the hardest part - take the first step.  I am also covered in mosquito bites after working outside yesterday (I had lavender oil on, but I guess those little miscreants found the spots that I missed).  I took benadryl yesterday and still feel itchy 😒 and now leftover tired.  I hate that leftover tired (hungover actually) benadryl feel.  

Well, I am polishing off my second cup of coffee, so now I guess I am ready to tackle the to-do list, wishing you each a beautiful Thursday morning 💖

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