Thursday, October 7, 2021


First of all, saying goodbye to Tanner on Monday was awful.  I absolutely hate this part of owning pets.  It hurts so much.

Second of all, God showed up in such unexpected ways.  An unexpected package at our front door when we got home from the vet full of treats for my girls, but especially for my youngest.  Which was like a balm to her broken heart.  She loves unicorns and that was the theme of almost everything in this box.  Such a sweet gift from a friend and such a sweet surprise and only God could do this timing. The tech in the room with us was so incredibly gentle and compassionate.  I appreciated that so much.  My husband left work unexpectedly when it became clear to me we should not/could not wait - came home, took us, then sat and waited on me while comforting the girls - and then was so incredibly kind and gentle - even though I know he is just as sad.  My coffee friend - I texted her to tell her - she knew Tanner and she was so sweet in her texts back.  Later that day she dropped off a treat for us and the sweetest card.  My friend Jeanne, she has the sweetest heart.  I love that about her.  She has been such a good friend to me, I don't know if she realizes how much her friendship means to me.  My mom - she just lost her dog a few weeks ago to cancer.  She herself is grieving, yet prayed for us through this and has encouraged me daily with pooh bear texts.  SO SO sweet.  I love pooh bear.  It is going to take me a while to get over this - it is much like ripping the Band-Aid off  of our hearts so close to losing Arendale.  

Third of all, losing something or someone you care about is the closest I get to truly understanding the horror of sin.  To me, I never get a clearer picture of the ugliness of sin than through death.  I know if you have not ever owned a pet - or if you do not become attached to your pets - it is weird to hear about how hard the loss is, but it is a profound loss.  I lost a loyal friend, a faithful companion.  My youngest lost her furry adventure companion, the one she whispered secrets to and the one she practiced her reading with, the one she dressed up, and took on buggy rides.  She lost the dog that ate all her crayons and climbed in the box that they imagined to be a ship one day and set sail, then an elevator the next, and later that week  a secret hide-out spot to spy on the bad guys.  Our entire family lost a great dog, with such a sweet, sweet laid back disposition.  He was funny and weird and just fit in to our family so well.  He was terrified of bubbles, had an affinity for crayons and once literally ate his entire food dish minus the rim.  He stole birthday cake (chocolate), ate half a loaf of bread one time before we found him, could get out of almost any gate (even half paralyzed), ate half a bag of apples (core and all), ate more barbie dolls and toys than I can count, loved to run, hated cats, learned to lick once we brought Buddy our chihuahua home.  He loved to ride in the car, hated going to the vets, took his meds in pill pocket treats only occasionally spitting the meds back out to get more treat.  For the longest time we actually thought he was mute, that is until he saw his first cat.  

He was just one of a kind.  

And now he is gone and we feel such a profound sense of loss.  

That is what sin does.  It destroys everything good.  It takes and does not give you anything in return.  It is suffocating in its grief.  It separates us from a holy God.  And the loss is more profound than we even realize.

But, God.  

He offers us a covering - a protection from this loss without hope.  He offers Himself in His Son.  Jesus is everything.  He is the anchor to grab on to when it feels like life is so overwhelmingly awful.  He is the cure to accept when sin eats away at you.  He is the blood that was shed to clean you up, He is the righteousness that covers you like a robe, He is your very life.  He is the only answer that will ever come up to every single question you ask.  Jesus is way, the truth, and the life.  So, yes life hurts.  It knocks you down and sometimes pummels you.  

But, God.  

Just like my mom has reminded me continually this week - keep looking up.  💖☩

*this last part of my post doesn't really fit in, but as a mom to special needs' teens and teens with learning differences - I did not want to fail to mention this :

October is Dyslexia Awareness Month.  Marianne Sunderland at Homeschooling with Dyslexia is offering her Parent Dyslexia Courses at half-off.  Please, go look at her website and check out this amazing offer.  She also just published a book, I'd planned on reading it before now, but life has been so overwhelming that I have not had time, but it is called No More School : Meeting the Educational Needs of Kids with Dyslexia and Language-Based Learning Difficulties.  Amazon carries it and it looks amazing.  

No matter where life takes you today - keep looking up.  God will never leave us or forsake us.  He goes with us and watches over us, He is faithful and good and full of compassion.  💖🕆

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