Wednesday, November 3, 2021


November is here and that means - NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month.  WOOHOO!!!  I love to write.  I love to write almost as much as I loved to dance.  My girls and I are participating in it here at home.  It looks a little bit different for each of us - but each afternoon we curl up with laptop or pad of paper and pencil (or pen) and scratch out our imaginations - developing characters and settings and embarking on adventures.  It is quite simply AWESOME.  The work will probably never see the light of day, but it is known to us and that is enough. 

It has been a crazy busy week (last week that seems to have spilled over into this week).  The weather has been deliciously chilly, the leaves are turning, the putting up of lights and playing of music has commenced (I LOVE the weeks leading up to Christmas).  Quite simply, this is the absolute best time of the year.  

Advent.  Isn't that a delicious word?  I love the thought that you tie your heart so completely to anticipating the arrival of Christ that you wait in breathless expectation.  I have my advent supplies laid out - I am starting now because our days and weeks can be so unpredictable - I don't want to get to the middle of December and wished I had built cushion in.  Here is what I am doing this year:

I have mentioned before how very much I adore Kari Denker - I do not know her in real life, but I love her blog posts, her Bible studies, - her heart for Jesus.  So, this year I finally got The Promises Advent Study that she wrote - it takes you through the Old Testament prophecies and their ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ.  

I started a 90 day read through of the Gospels.  I have floundered a bit after ending B90.  It always takes me a bit to decide what to do next because reading through the Bible is much like sitting down at an exquisite buffet style dinner and being able to sample everything, but linger over nothing.  And when you get done - there is inevitably SO much you want to go back and experience is hard to choose.   After reading Watchman Nee's book, I know for a fact I want to resume my Romans study - but I wanted something more during the Holiday season.  So I found a 90 day read through of the Gospel and it is perfect!!  (I am also going to try Kari's one line a day everyday - that is such a neat practice)

I am still working my way through the Freedom from Emotional Eating, I am taking it a bit slower than the forty days format, because I am concentrating right now on learning how to Truth Journal.  If you want to know more information about either Barb Raveling, her books, and/or how to journal this way - check out her blog.  It is amazing.  

And finally, we will pull out all of our Christmas and Fall picture books later today, the Hallelujah study from Cindy Rollins is downloaded on my kindle and my Handel CD is ready to go, and we will try our very best to slowly and with great thankfulness take each day as it comes.  

God is good.  

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