Wednesday, October 27, 2021

An Eleven Year Prayer...

I feel like, after the death of our second dog in a year, we have entered into a season of deep breaths.  It is as if everything has calmed down a bit, and for the first time in a long, long, LONG time we are able to take several deep breaths and relax a bit, instead of just bracing for the next impact.  We are still really sad, some days just tears come, but other days we are able to remember and smile...but I feel like we are on the other side of the constant hammering of hard we have had since late 2019.

Does that make sense?  

I have no idea how long this season will last, and it is not problem free (is life ever?) but it is a sweet gift and I am SO grateful that God has led us here.  Speaking of gratitude, my youngest and I were making our way through the grocery store yesterday after a doctor appointment, when I realized I had failed to thank God for something I had been praying for - for ELEVEN years.  Eleven years I have been asking Him for __________________ and He answered in such a sweet way.  And I did not even say thank you?  So, we stopped in our tracks.  Right at the end of the school supply aisle, and we whisper-prayed our profound thanks to an Almighty God who hears and who cares - about every.single.detail of our lives.  

On the way home from the store something else occurred to me.  In terms of prayer, I realized there is only one other prayer I have been praying for a few years longer than the one God just answered - a prayer to find a church home and a Godly family or two to do life with.  There have been a few times that I was sure He was answering the prayer, only to be really, really disappointed when things did not work out and the door closed.  However, after this week, I am convinced that in His time and in His way He will answer that - even according to our very unique needs.  Even after fourteen years and counting...He will answer.

My memory verse last week:
1 John 5:14
And this is the confidence that we have before Him; if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.

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