My favorite line - pg. 71 "Tout de meme, it is not necessary that he should be killed on the Orient Express. There are other places." Ha!!
I loved the mystery, I loved Hercules Poirot, and I loved the intrigue and unraveling of the mystery of who in the world was the murderer on the Orient Express.
*I completely forgot* I completed Lysa Terkeurst's book I'll Start Again on Monday. This is a rework of her Made to Crave book. I did not read Made to Crave so I cannot tell you if the content was original or not - but this book is SO worth reading!! I took about four pages of notes - so worth the time I spent taking the notes and for it to be a short book (only 160 pgs) it was packed with a lot of good stuff.
Murder on the Orient Express is a good one! Glad you enjoyed it.