Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Sermon on the Mount Week Ten

This week was probably my favorite week so far in the study.  

Dr. Lloyd- Jones expounds upon what exactly is the "heart" when the Bible says things like Blessed are the pure in heart... (Matt 5:8).  (If you want to go deeper, just look up the verse in BibleHub.com and choose the lexicon)  Dr. Lloyd-Jones also teaches what exactly it means to have a pure heart, because as the rest of the verse shows, that is the only way you will see God.

I, again, urge you to not only read this book (Studies in the Sermon on the Mount by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones), but also purchase and use the workbook/video study by Kari Denker.  The questions, insights, and analogies that she shares are SO worth the cost!!  

I will leave off with a reminder that I read yesterday (I don't own this book, I just requested a sample for kindle - so this quote is from the foreword - which was written by Dr. John Piper)

Habits of Grace by David Mathis:

"The psalmist does not say, "You sell them drink," but, "You give them drink from the river of Your delights" (Psalm 36:8). But all of us leak.  We all need inspiration and instruction for how to drink - again and again.  Habitually."

This study teaches that very thing - that we must come and drink again and again.  Reminders that we leak all over the place.  It is not enough to be filled once.  We have to return over and over and over - habitually - to the Source of Life giving water.

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