Thursday, August 18, 2022

The False Prince

by Jennifer A. Nielsen

I have had this book for a few years and keep moving it in to "next year's" TBR pile...only "next year" never arrived.  

Until now.  

I FINALLY read it.  

I spent the first thirty plus chapters hating this book, just wanting to hurry up and finish it while simultaneously in my mind yelling at Sage to PLEASE, for the love of cheese, just stuff a sock in it.  Because if he would just stop smarting off to everyone, he wouldn't be in so much trouble all of the time...but it's like he literally can't help himself.  He is simply destined for trouble.

But then last night, I hit chapter forty-five and was BLOWN.AWAY.  I could not fall asleep last night for thinking of this story.  I was totally drawn in at this point and began rooting for Sage.  I just wanted him to win.  No matter what.

The premise :  Conner shows up to several orphanages and "buys" the freedom of several boys.  He has a plan that is so brazen, so manipulative that it stuns everyone.  There are just two weeks for the boys to complete this plan and prove to Conner that he should choose one of them to fool a kingdom.  He can only choose one and no one is foolish enough to think that they will survive beyond the two weeks if they are not chosen.  Conner can not risk being exposed.  

The problem:  Sage.  He just isn't anyone's pawn.

My favorite character:  Mott!!!!  I loved Mott.  

My favorite line: "There were a lot of things I'd have to ask forgiveness for.  And I feared I wouldn't receive half as much of it as I wanted."

I recommend this book with a caveat.  You have to stick it out, the last ten or so chapters make the entire book worth reading.


  1. Interesting. I've never read this, but my oldest son read it and liked it enough keep going in the series.

  2. I, now too, am totally hooked and am going to finish the series :)
