Friday, September 16, 2022

The mini challenge...

This week, it was all about a mini challenge.  I picked a book at random from our shelves at home.  I selected which shelf, counted over one and down five and that pointed to a book I had just read earlier this year!  Ha!  So, I had one of my teens select another pile on the same shelf and count up five from the bottom.  This time it landed on Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy.  

The funniest part of this is - this is a book on managing your time effectively.  I bought it several years ago after reading 21 Days to a Disciplined Life by Crystal Paine.  And then it proceeded to sit on my shelf as year after year I procrastinated in every endeavor to  Ha!  

I an nerdy about certain subjects : like Bible study, time management/planning, and habit building for example.  I love to read about them, study them, and observe them (pinterest and bujo pages....ah!!!!)

I am so glad the mini challenge led me to read this book!  Several quotes caught my attention as I was reading along this week - but two were the most important for me to work on :

"...resolve to work all the time you work.  When you go to work, put your head down and work the whole time." (pg. 53)  

I am SO bad at this.  I try to multi-task - read while folding the laundry...this becomes an endless exercise at either picking up the clothes as the towering pile teeters because I get swept away in a particularly good section or the book falls down repeatedly (denting my paper back cover ๐Ÿ˜’ ) as I address the harder to fold articles.  Or talking on the phone/texting while I am waiting for something to cook...many a dinners have burned because of this attempt.  When it is work time - WORK on the thing that is in front of me.

"There will never be enough time to do everything you have to do." pg. 29

I am so glad he said this.  Because the to-do list is endless and I never get it all done.  I never get all of the books read or messes cleaned up or laundry conquered or topics covered that I want to cover.  And that is just life.  There will always be "more".  What I learned from this book is this : work hard and work focused on what is in front of you.  Eat the frog - the most difficult/ugly/challenging frog (task) first.  And then when work time (or school time or cleaning time or workout time...) is over -  Rest and know that tomorrow is a new day to pick back up with it all.  It will still be there.


  1. This sounds like a great book! That quote about working all the time that you work - I am sooo bad at that too. Like you I try to multi-task. I have fallen down the booktube hole and try to watch a booktube video while washing dishes or folding laundry or cooking. It usually makes the task take so much longer. It is encouraging to know I am not the only one who struggles with this๐Ÿ˜‰.

    1. You are DEFINITELY not the only one ๐Ÿ˜Š
