Friday, January 13, 2023


This week the challenge for 52 Weeks was to read a book set in the east and for Brighter Winter, one of the challenges was to read a book about a journey, these two challenges taken together converged in to the perfect choice:

Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret

I cannot even begin to do justice by writing a review, or even an exhortation to please, please GO READ THIS BOOK.  It is incredible.  I already know this is going to be my favorite book of 2023, maybe even of all time.  

Hudson Taylor was called forth from a life of privilege and what could have been a very promising medical career to go into China, bringing the Gospel to the millions of untold souls there.  His story of that journey is amazing.  It is beautiful and heart-breaking and faithful and triumphant.  God was so, so faithful - God is so, so faithful - NOTHING will deter His hand.  I have read so many fruits from his ministry (China Inland Mission) - of the many, many missionaries with incredible stories of their own who journeyed to China through Taylor's mission organization.  I am SO SO thankful that I finally read the story of how it all began - it is AMAZING.

I highlighted so much that I wanted to share, but I think the best quote I can leave you with is one that came at the end of his story (which was co-written by his son and daughter-in-law):

"Take time.  Give God time to reveal Himself to you.  Give yourself time to be silent and quiet before Him, waiting to receive, through the Spirit, the assurance of His presence with you, His power working in you.  Take time to read His Word as in His presence, that from it you may know what He asks of you and what He promises you.  Let the Word create around you, create within you a holy atmosphere, a holy heavenly light, in which your soul will be refreshed and strengthened for the work of daily life." pg. 129

Also for Brighter Winter I re-read Green Ember by S.D. Smith (to check off the box of a book with a green cover).  I read this book aloud when it first came out.  (I just checked and I cannot believe it has been almost a decade ago!)

I find this book to be a good mix between Narnia and The Wingfeather Saga.  The Longtreader family lives happily nestled in their woodland home until the evil that was always feared, unfolds.  Heather and Picket run for their lives (literally).  They happen upon two rescuers and thus the adventure really begins.  Evil is rampant and the faithful need to rise together to stamp it out, but it is the rising together that they are really struggling with.  Hit by betrayal before, will they learn who they can and cannot trust before it is too late? 

This is a fast-paced adventure, well written and engaging.  It was a nice treat to revisit the West Wood and the meadow scampering siblings.  As long as I am here, I might as well take the time to read the rest of the series.

1 comment:

  1. Glad the Eastern mini challenge lead you to something and someone interesting and helpful.
