Friday, February 17, 2023

What I read this week...

This week was a mix bag of reading - mostly reading to meet the Brighter Winter Challenge Prompts 💖.  Since I will be doing a wrap-up post, I am only going to pick one of the books to write a review for this week.

The Triumph of the John and Betty Stam by Mrs. Howard Taylor (daughter-in-law to Hudson Taylor, who also wrote Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret).  I kept just saying to myself: WOW - their walks with God - their absolute trust and complete surrender BLEW ME AWAY.  

I am so glad I read this book.  

Years ago, when I was gifted The Kneeling Christian, I inscribed a prayer I had just read onto the inside cover.  This beautiful prayer was indicative of a life completely surrendered and full of joy as a result.  The prayer began with "Lord, I give up my own plan and purposes..." and ended with " out Thy whole will in my life at any cost, now and forever."   This prayer was prayed with a sincere, surrendered heart.  

And the life offered up at any cost?  

It was Betty Scott Stam's.  

Ever since I read that prayer years ago, I knew that I wanted to find out who this girl was, what led her to pray that prayer, and how did God answer it?

This book was so beautifully written. I loved the way it fleshed out both Betty and John's lives...both from personal entries of writings, compositions, and snapshots from letters, as well as giving a glimpse into how other people (family, friends, students, and co-laborers in Christ) saw and experienced these two in day to day life.  

Their lives were saturated in the love of Christ. 

Their hearts were fully abandoned to God.

And when the worst did happen, they walked forth in full trust and joy that they gave their all to a God who is more than worthy of the sacrifice.

1 comment:

  1. I have never read about Betty Stam, but I have heard of her. I did read a great biography of Hudson Taylor. Missionary biographies always inspire me. Sounds like this was a great read!
