Saturday, August 17, 2024

What I read this week:

I finished The Shadow Throne (Ascendance #3) by Jennifer Nielsen (that I started several weeks ago - it is a re-listen).  I didn't realize it but there is a continuity error in the epilogue (at the end of book three) that supposedly takes place after all five books would have unfolded.  It includes more than one character that actually was killed off in books four and five.  So, if you read it, wait a while after reading book three before reading four and five if details like that bother you.

We listened to the Hotel Flamingo Carnival Caper by Alex Milway while driving to appointments this week and LOVED it.  I LOVE the narrator.  This is a super cute series.

I am SO SO SO ready for summer to end and fall to arrive.  🍂

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