Tuesday, December 29, 2020

In Looking Back part one

My Reading Challenge - 

First of all, this is the first year that I actually tried the Tim Challies' reading challenge.  I have printed it off several years in the hopes and intentions that I would somehow, someway make time for it.  I love to read, but unless I am intentional about carving out that time for a specific book, I wound up with dusty bookshelves that are more for decoration than use, and gazing upon them from time to time thinking, 'I really need to read that or I really want to read that...'.  

Very frustrating to say the least.

Although I already read a ton for our school days, it's just not the same, I wanted to read for myself.  I wanted to increase what I had to offer to my girls, I wanted to have a thing that was just for me, I wanted to have a place to go when days are long and hard and leaving the house is out of the question.  Little did I know what this year had to offer, and how the books I had chosen last December/January would meet me right where I needed them.  Only God could do something like that.

SO, here is what I read. I read each month, just some months I took the time to write a blog post about them, and some I didn't - this was a really, really tough year for my family and me.  And inevitably, I have forgotten to include some titles here.  Yes, what I read is different and less than what I had planned for (and pulled off the shelves in preparation), but I am still SO SO happy with how this goal turned out.  (PS I already have my list for the new year 👀 and can't wait to try again)


Monsters in the Hollows

Stella by Starlight

Freedom Crossing

Best Family Ever

Boxes of Butterflies

A Chance to Die

The Curate of Glaston

April: (I read each month, just some months I took the time to write a blog post about them, and some I didn't).

All The Light We Cannot See

The Lady's Confession (book 2 of Curate of Glaston trilogy)

How to Enjoy Reading Your Bible



Night of the Full Moon

Isaiah 53 Explained

Redemption, Remember, Return, Rejoice, Reunion

July: (both posts, the first one is just about books, the rest of the list is included at the bottom of the second post)

Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up


Dot Journaling, a Practical Guide

Waiting on God

Expectation Corner

Alice in Wonderland

The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes

Harriet Tubman (Christian/History Heroes Then and Now)

Katie Parker book 5

Secret Garden



The One and Only Ivan


Fear Gone Wild

Uncovering the Logic of English


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Save the Date 

November and November:

The Harbringer

Forever Your Girl (Katie Parker book 6)

The Holiday Husband

The Rock, The Road, and The Rabbi

The Reading Promise


Christmas Picture Books 

Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus

A Christmas Carol

Down, Not Out by Chris Cipollone

The Harbringer II, the Return

We also read through the Book of Job this summer and should complete the Book of Luke today.

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