Thursday, April 21, 2022


A lot is being said in today's world about a woman's right to choose, reproductive rights, and the privacy of such rights, but who is crying out on behalf of the baby's rights?  Who is stepping forward and saying - WAIT A MINUTE - what about the baby?  All of us, every single human that has lived, is living, or will ever live since Adam and Eve, started out in the womb.  We were once the baby encased in our mother's body, depending on her "right to choose".  Praise God, we were given the chance to grow and develop and breathe and although I know there are many horrors in life, that not every childhood was idyllic, some were horrible, life it still a gift.  

As a mom of special needs' teenager/young adults, I am horrified to think that anyone would for one moment judge their lives as expendable.  Their issues do not define them.  They were fearfully and wonderfully made, their lives have SO so much meaning and they bring so much joy.  I see other people's faces light up when they see them at Wal-Mart, or when the staff or doctor comes out to get them.  Their kindness and compassion so far out paces my own, their sense of empathy is astounding, their heart for God is so tender.  While it is true their lives will look different than most their age - I am SO incredibly thankful that they are mine and I get to love them and provide for them and protect them.  I know that the world is a better place because they are here.

I am not sure how many people have heard about the bill that is in committee in California (I do not live in California, but I agree that this is an issue that affects every single person) - it is called AB2223.  I encourage you to read this - to then listen to this sermon by Jack Hibbs.  And pray, pray, pray.  That the wisdom of God, the fear of our Creator would return to our country.  

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