Saturday, March 2, 2024

What I have learned so far...Genesis through Joshua

As 2023 drew to a close, I tried to squeeze in a quick B90 - what happened was a slow, deep dive into the books in Chronological order.  What is so, so awesome about reading the Bible each time, is that it proves that it is indeed alive and active and God-breathed.  (Hebrews 4:12 & 2 Timothy 3:16 & 17)

Each time through I learn something new, something I never noticed and make connections I did not notice before.  Each time the Holy Spirit reveals more and more of who God is and how I need to reorient my thoughts, words, and actions as a result.


Here is a list - book by book - of what I have noted this time through (some are questions - things I do not understand, some are mind-blowing - drawing praise from the tips of your toes).  This isn't everything, I wouldn't have enough room to type everything, so I am just going to choose a few things from each book:

Genesis - this also has been pointed out in both the fall and spring session of our Bible study but this promise God made to Abram - it continues to unfold/be upheld to this very day:
God promised Abram :
I will
- make you a great nation
- bless you
- make your name great
- make you a blessing
- bless those who bless you
- curse those who curse you
- bless all people on earth through him

26:24 - "I am the God of your father Abraham.  Do not be afraid, for I am with you;..."  The reason we need not fear is because God is with us.  This is repeated over and over and over throughout the entire Bible.

Job - This is SO reassuring to me : Job 12:10 "In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind."

Exodus - THIS : Exodus 3:16 - when God sends Moses to assemble the elders of Israel - I have NEVER stopped to ponder this before - "I have watched over you and have seen what has been done to you in Egypt."  That realization that He meant what He said (& says over and over throughout His Word) - He NEVER leaves you.  Ever.

connecting Exodus 4:11 & 12 to Proverbs 20:12

Leviticus and Hebrews - for the first time ever I read through Leviticus and then the book of Hebrews.  This time as I went through Leviticus I noted the offerings and sacrifices God asked of Israel, but I also noted how often He said : Be holy, for I am holy.  And when He said "I am the LORD, who makes him holy." (21 vs 15)  and the NEATEST connection I made this time is in Leviticus 23 - where God teaches about The Festival of Trumpets, The Day of Atonement, and The Festival of Tabernacles and then in 1 Kings 8:2 where Solomon offers the sacrifices after the temple is completed.

Numbers - there is SO much here about Who God is.  The story that inevitably sticks with me and confounds me each time is the story of Balak and Balaam.  This time through, I am citing each instance of where Balaam is mentioned later in the Bible :
Numbers 22
Numbers 31:8, 15-16
2 Peter 2:15
Jude 1:11
Revelations 2:14
Deuteronomy 23:3-6
Joshua 24:8-10
Micah 6:5
Joshua 13:22

Deuteronomy - I noticed how many times "remember" is mentioned.  Pay attention, remember, observe, walk, and revere - all of these words caught my attention.  The neatest connection this time through has been from my Bible study = Deuteronomy 25:17-19 where God says =  REMEMBER what the Amalekites did to you.  The original story is is Exodus 17:8-16, then God's admonition to blot out the name of Amalek comes to fruition in 1 Samuel 15 - but the fallout from Saul's disobedience is seen all the way in Esther (note Mordecai and Haman's lineage)

Also the reminder that it is God's job to repay - Deuteronomy 32:35 (Romans 12:19, Proverbs 20:22, and Proverbs 24:29)

Joshua - this time through I noticed these connections :

Joshua 1 and Numbers 27:18-23
Joshua 3:3 & 4 and Numbers 4:15 and 2 Samuel 6:6 & 7
Joshua 9 and 2 Samuel 21 and Exodus 34:15

I also paid close attention to the boundaries given to Israel.  God was VERY specific about the land boundaries that He gave Israel.  I also love how the book ends.  Joshua 24:32 connects to Genesis 50:25 and Exodus 14:19.

I am currently in 1 Kings, so next post will be Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 Kings (1 - 11), Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. 💖

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